Are you looking to study medicine in the U.S.A or UK?
And on completion of your studies, would you like to register to work as a doctor in the U.S.A or UK?
St George’s University is a modern university which focuses on providing students with high quality medical education.
Students can complete the final two years of study – the medical residency – at teaching hospitals in the U.S.A or U.K. There are more than 85 teaching hospitals to choose from for those residency years.
Graduate with USMLE.
Let us introduce you to SGU during an interactive virtual session covering academics, admissions, and program details. We will share (and answer) the most important questions you should ask of any medical school.
The session will be led by Sebastian Courage, SGU Recruitment Director, and includes a live Q&A.
Find out about St George’s amazing campus on the beautiful island of Granada.
Learn why St George’s provides 10% of all doctors in the USA.
And as a bonus, how you don’t even need to apply for a visa!
Our assistance is totally free. We can make and submit the application on your behalf and assist throughout the process.
But for now, join us to learn all about St George’s: